It had been a full 8 years since I last saw my relatives in 2010. Recently I'd been wondering how to set up another visit, and then my Gramma developed cellulitis (festering oozy sores all over her lower legs) and there was no more dilemma. In March 2019 we were finally able to fly to the States for a 30-day stay... my mom, my younger sister and I.
We're back now, so I'll try to do a better job of blogging the trip this time around, and if I succeed I may tackle the 2010 trip too!
Day 1 - March 5
第一天 - 3月5號
Thank you for your prayers! Shortly after takeoff the pilot announced that there would be turbulence for the entire flight. I hate roller-coasters and certainly didn't want to be stuck on one for 10 hours! Thankfully it was not as bad as we feared.
感謝神!起飛不久, 飛行員公布說我們一路會有氣流。我已經很怕過山車,十個小時怎麼忍耐?感謝神,不是我想的那麼可怕。
My Uncle George (seventh child in my mom's family) and his wife, Aunt Melissa, picked us up at the airport, and we had supper at Cracker Barrel on the way to their house.
George舅舅(老七)和 Melissa舅媽,去飛機場接我們,回他們家的路上,吃晚飯。
We're back now, so I'll try to do a better job of blogging the trip this time around, and if I succeed I may tackle the 2010 trip too!
Day 1 - March 5
第一天 - 3月5號
Thank you for your prayers! Shortly after takeoff the pilot announced that there would be turbulence for the entire flight. I hate roller-coasters and certainly didn't want to be stuck on one for 10 hours! Thankfully it was not as bad as we feared.
感謝神!起飛不久, 飛行員公布說我們一路會有氣流。我已經很怕過山車,十個小時怎麼忍耐?感謝神,不是我想的那麼可怕。
My Uncle George (seventh child in my mom's family) and his wife, Aunt Melissa, picked us up at the airport, and we had supper at Cracker Barrel on the way to their house.
George舅舅(老七)和 Melissa舅媽,去飛機場接我們,回他們家的路上,吃晚飯。

8 years since I last ate at Cracker Barrel
已經八年沒吃 Cracker Barrel 餐廳

Uncle George (seventh child in my mom's family)
George 舅舅(老七)
When he was young
No. 5 Uncle Tim, No. 6 Aunt Jeannie, No. 7 Uncle George, No. 8 Aunt Martha, No. 9 Uncle Robert
老五Tim舅舅,老六Jeannie阿姨和她女兒Keri, 老七George舅舅,老八Martha阿姨,老九Robert舅舅。
Day 2 coming next...
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