I wrote most of this on November 4, 2019. I thought it would be ready to post in two days, so I stopped doing anything else on my blog until I should have posted. Unfortunately 2 days turned into 3 months as I would tinker with it off and on, and then get sidetracked with other projects. For a two day article, I like it, but three months is overkill. It would be interesting to re-write this article in light of the recent virus epidemic, but enough is enough.
我在2019年11月4日編寫了大部分內容。我本來以為可以在兩天內發布,因此我停止在部落格上進行任何其他什麼,直到我應該發佈為止。 不幸的是2天變成了3個月,因為我會不斷地修改它,然後又陷入其他項目的困境。 對於一篇為期兩天的文章,我很喜歡,但是三個月太過分了。 鑑於最近的病毒流行,重新撰寫這篇文章會很有趣,但是我覺得這樣就夠了。
I found this video on the net: They're Spending Billions To Chip Our Brains
我在網上找到了這個視頻: They're Spending Billions To Chip Our Brains
我在網上找到了這個視頻: They're Spending Billions To Chip Our Brains
After watching that video, how do you feel about these verses?
“The Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.” (Genesis 11:6-7)
耶和華說:“看哪,他們同是一個民族,有一樣的語言,他們一開始就作這事,以後他們所要作的一切,就沒有可以攔阻他們的了。 來,我們下去,在那裡混亂他們的語言,使他們聽不懂對方的話。” (創世記 11:6-7)
I have had nothing but positive feelings toward those verses for a long time now.
But only today did I catch “And this is what they began to do.” Can you see it? “Here they are with all this ability and THIS is what they choose to do with it.” Evidently it was an ominous indication of how we would be using our abilities in the future.
但是直到今天我才注意到 「這就是他們開始做的事」那部分。了解麼? 「他們擁有這些能力,而這就是他們選擇要做的事。」顯然,這不祥的預示著我們將來如何使用我們的能力。
What was so heinous about building a tower? Is God threatened by skyscrapers and technology?
Nothing's wrong with towers, except that only four generations back when they got off the boat, “God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth'” (Genesis 9:1) and in the number of generations that it took Shem's son (born 2 years after the flood) to become a great-grandfather, society was off to the dogs again and saying, “'... OTHERWISE we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” (Genesis 11:4)
建造塔樓沒什麼問題,除了只有四代以前人下船後的時候「神賜福給挪亞和他的兒子,對他們說:“你們要繁衍增多,充滿大地。」(創世記 9:1 CNV) 而洪災兩年後所出生的閃的兒子變成了曾祖父的世代數目之內,社會再度陷入衰落,說:「…免得分散在全地上。」(創世記 11:4 CNV)
In other words, God said, “Scatter,” and only 4 generations later they are saying, “Don't scatter.” In 4 generations, they have reversed the command.
And can you imagine the tyranny that would have been required to keep themselves from scattering? Thank God he broke up that dictatorship.
尤其您能想像為了要阻止大家散佈會造成的多少可怕的專制嗎? 感謝神,祂打破了那次的獨裁統治。
“This is what they've chosen to do with their abilities? Let's get them separated up for a few thousand years so they can't destroy themselves completely, at least until they're smart enough to invent Google Translate and instantaneous communications, and the Cultural Revolution on steroids.”
“嗯,這就是他們選擇用自己的能力做的事嗎? 讓我們將他們分開幾千年,以使他們無法完全毀滅他們自己,至少直到他們足夠聰明以發明Google Translate和即時通訊,而可以如虎添翼的進行文化大革命為止。”
If you don't know what the first Cultural Revolution was, read these 2 books:
* Fox Butterfield's China, Alive in the Bitter Sea
* 福克斯·巴特菲爾德(Fox Butterfield)的《中國:苦海余生》
* Jung Chang's Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China (which you can read here at Library Genesis.)
* 張戎的《鴻:三代中國女人的故事》 (可以在這裡閱讀[英文版]:Library Genesis.)
That is what would have had to occur to keep people from escaping the Tower of Babel. In the Tower of Babel incident God was for scattering and freedom, and man was not.

But I'm not trying to paint God as a Luddite. Throughout the Bible it is God who is for life and knowledge, and Satan who is for death and ignorance.
我並不是說神排斥科技。 在整本聖經中,就是神認可生命和知識,而就是撒旦推銷死亡和愚昧。
God didn't dumb humans down at the Tower of Babel, he just got them loosened up and spreading in all directions. If you knew there was someone interested in killing off the human race, like the Devil, wouldn't you have done the same?
神並沒有在巴別塔把人類弄笨了,他只是鬆開了人類並讓他們向四面八方驅散。 如果您知道有誰對殺死人類感興趣 (例如魔鬼),您不會也這樣做麼?
Obviously, God has faith in the human race surviving until he comes again. He designed us, so he knows what we're capable of. And since he knows the future, he knows all the twists and turns we'll make to the end of our story. And because he is God, he can and will stop anything that gets too close to ending us. Earth is not an experiment for him but a testing ground for you, for God to see who loves the truth.
顯然,神對人類的生存到祂再次來世為止有充滿的信心。 祂設計了我們,所以祂知道我們的能力。 而且由於祂知道未來,所以祂知道我們將在故事的結尾處所經歷的所有曲折。 而且由於祂是神,祂可以而並且一定會阻止任何事情變得過分失控。 地球不是祂的實驗,而是你的試煉場。
.. For this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” (Jesus, Gospel of John 18:37)
“…我要為真理作見證,我為此而生,也為此來到世上。凡是屬於真理的人,都聽我的聲音。” (耶穌,約翰福音 18:37 CNV)
and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.(2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 NASB)
並且在那些沉淪的人身上,行各樣不義的欺詐,因為他們不領受愛真理的心,使他們得救。 因此, 神就使錯謬的思想運行在他們當中,讓他們相信虛謊, 叫所有不信真理倒喜愛不義的人,都被定罪。(帖撒羅尼迦後書 2:10-12 CNV)
Do you think I've missed something in the Tower of Babel story? Comment below.
So how does it help you to know all this?
1. You will have a more accurate picture of the world around you.
2. You will be more aware of what's at stake in your obedience or disobedience to the will of God.
3. You will know more about the pros and cons of microchipping.
3. 您將進一步了解微芯片的優缺點。
4. Life is not boring, is it?
5. Now you can appreciate a boring life.
6. Pretend like the whole world got un-microchipped last month. Are you happy now? Have you thanked God for the freedoms you do have?
6.假裝整個世界都被微芯片,直到上個月每個人都同時擺脫了他們的微芯片。 地球不是光榮的地方嗎? (《哈利路亞》合唱插曲)到目前為止,您是否感謝上帝賜予您生命中的祝福?
7. Now you can teach your kids not to grow up and inflict microchipping on others!
8. The web links are great for teaching your kids reading, vocabulary, spelling, discussion and writing what they would do to help make the world a better place.
9. The video in this article makes for exciting social studies! (English teachers take note.)
9. 本文中的視頻有助於進行激動人心的社會學課程! (英語老師請注意。)
10. When children learn stuff young, it doesn't shatter them when they're older.
I once shared a news headline with a 13-year-old boy and he said his elementary school teacher had already told them that stuff 3 years ago. When I asked if the news had bothered him, he shrugged.
11. If someday your company asks you to microchip, have you made yourself indispensable to your company, or kept other jobs going on the side, so that you can afford to say no, and vote with your feet, sending a message that makes companies think twice about demanding certain things of their employees and giving others the room to say no as well? Preparing for freedom and making use of your freedom makes those around you freer as well, which in turn makes your own freedom more certain.
Are you raising your kids to be psychologically prepared and equipped with the skills that will allow them to say no as well?
12. What if airlines eventually decide to demand microchipping before you can travel? Some child out there who doesn't know his “limits” may have already begun equipping himself to start his own airline to allow people to circumvent this requirement. If enough children are made aware of the problem they will feel more purpose in their studies and come up with solutions in time for the future.
What can you add to the list of things to prevent or get around this situation and make the world a better place? Comment below.
Other stuff on the net that sparked this post:
It’s Spreading: Now the British Media Is Pushing Microchipping In The UK [2018]
Thousands Are VOLUNTEERING to Be MICROCHIPPED in Sweden: Can the Rest of the World Be Far Behind? [2018]
Why People Will Happily Line Up to be Microchipped Like Dogs [2017]
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