I don't have these but so want them to use in my Bible/English classes every week:
I hope the rest of these books come to a library near me. Or if your library is throwing out books let me know.
Writing 作 文

I especially like books on writing by my favorite famous authors not just because I know they really can write mesmerizing bestsellers, but because they're the most fun to read and inspirational.
I so enjoyed Stephen King's On Writing (warning! a ton of swear words to cross out) so I'm guessing I'll love Orson Scott Card's book How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy just as much:

Books About Books 書

Money 錢

Family 家


Hiking 踏 青
(Scotland 蘇 格 蘭 and Great Britain 英 國)
(Scotland 蘇 格 蘭 and Great Britain 英 國)

Genealogy 家 譜
Although, a good website with all this info would probably be more efficient:

Biographies 傳 記

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No profanity, please, "... but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear." (Eph 4:29)